November 9, 2024
Your support is critical to our mission.
All proceeds will help our volunteer organization continue the work needed to provide access to Carson Valley’s great outdoors, including:
- Maintenance on 66 miles of trail
- Potential trail expansions
- Safety education through our “Slow & Say Hello” program
- Community & members-only events
- Student education in the classroom and through outings
- Updating signs, maps and kiosks
Thank you in advance for your generous donation!
Contributions to CVTA, a 501(c)(3) Nevada nonprofit organization, may be tax deductible under section 170.c. of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. 170.c.
Are you CVTA member? If not, join today and receive invitations to members-only events, access to our newsletters, and more. It’s also another way to give support.
Thank you for supporting our trails!
CVTA Board of Directors
“Connecting people to the outdoors through a system of trails”